Monday, March 2, 2009

Game Challenge 6: Narrative Game

Time Warp

Time warp is a fun game that takes you back in time with a narrative feel to it.

Before beginning the game, you must have The Time Warp song playing. You can find this song on youtube of course, the link is here

To play the game, you will need the board, pieces, a coin, and access to a computer. Pick one person to be judge, he or she may not play the game. Decide on who goes first.

Play goes counterclockwise, to simulate the feel of moving back in time. All players start on the square marked “Start”. Whoever goes first flips a coin, if it is heads, they move back 1 space (staying on “Start” if they can't go back), tails moves forward 1 space. Follow the arrows on each square to determine where the next position is. On each square, there is a century that you must find an important event for. Use the computer to look up an important event in history. The judge will then say if that event is able to be used or not. Once you have found an important event, if you flip a heads and move back, you do not need to find another event when you move forward again.

To win the game, you must land on finish, and pick an event from that span of years. After you have done that, you must then recite, without looking at the computer, the events that transpired from finish to start (Backwards from where you were moving. Starting at 600s, then 700s, etc. etc. etc. The judge will determine if you are narrating it correctly or not. If you do not do it correctly, or forget one of your events, you must move back one space. First player to complete the game, wins!

The Judge:
Have paper and pencil ready, you will be writing down what players pick for events. Do not let any player see that piece of paper, unless they win. Once a player has been determined to win, the Judge must show all players the list for events, if there is a problem, such as the judge allowed an event when it wasn't listed, the player will move back one space and have to try and win the game again next turn.


  1. Other than The Time Warp from Rocky Horror Picture Show, your game sucked. Trying to think up historical events, and then remember what events you thought of, it's madness. I will admit that no one really took advantage of the internet resource, but still. History man. I will not deny that there is something there with this game. =P Just no more history going back to 600 AD.

  2. Nick,

    So do the players remain stuck in the Dark Ages? That would suck! Well, except you could probably meet Beowulf - only to have your head lopped off...

    You should try the game again with a computer as the resource. If the players are to remember events recited in order, then the judge should give the players feedback about what event they screwed up on first (and give them a couple hints, or three answers, one of which is false). That would probably help with memorization and not make it so brutal for your non-history majors.

    Devin Monnens

  3. The problem with this game is that most people in our group weren't good enough with history to play it through. I know you said we could use the internet to look things up, but that breaks up the pace. Using the same concept on a subject where the subject isn't binding might make it more fun.

  4. I thought your game was hilarious. I enjoyed it just for shock value. If a game can't entertain you, what's the point of there being games?

  5. This game was originally designed to make players think and do some work. I think since we ended up playing the game last and people were getting tired and maybe a bit bored that hurt the testing experience. People were also unwilling to use the computers and help to get any kind of events.

    When Cameron was asked to give the 4 events he had to finish, he did that correctly without incident, so I would need to see how someone would do if they had to recite all of the events instead of just 4.

    I really threw The Time Warp song in just to make people go insane, Cameron asked if it was an endurance thing once it had looped for the second or third time.
