Sunday, March 29, 2009

Game Challenge 9: Revised Maze Game

So I decided that revising one of my games that everyone seemed to like was a good idea for this game challenge. I picked the maze game, and added some new aspects to how it is played, hopefully balancing it to everyone's expectations!


This game is for 4 players. All you need is a flat table and the cards!
There are 1 start, 4 finish, 10 'T' cross, 30 curves, 30 straights, and 6 dead ends.

To start the game, the card marked with 'Start' is facing up in the middle of the table Red color is 'R', Blue is 'B', Green is 'G' and Yellow is 'Y'. Each player starts on this spot. Shuffle the remaining 80 cards and deal them out, each player should have 19 cards. Keep the 4 finish cards for later.

Player 1 will pick one card from the hand he was dealt, you may look at it, to play on any players maze except your own. You may not play a dead end card unless that player has another way to go. For example, Player 1 could not play a dead end card on Player 2s maze, unless there was a 'T' cross that did not already have a dead end. Once a card has been played, the player who had the card on their maze moves towards the new placed piece. Once all the cards in every players hand have been played, the finish cards will be given out. Each player takes their own finish, and gives it to the player on their right. Once the finishes have been placed, players take turns moving their piece towards their finish. Players can cross mazes only with a T cross.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Game Challenge 8: Theme and Message 1

Due to popular demand, the I'm a bastard game has been made!

The Bastardly Game of Hate

Materials: 1 full deck of Uno cards

Rules: Deal each player 20 cards. The goal of the round is to get rid of all cards in your hand by playing them. The game ends when a player scores 250 points. To start the game, after dealing each player 20 cards, flip the top card of the deck over, if the card is anything other than a number, put it back into the deck and flip the next card. To play a card, you must match the color of the current card, and your card must be the next number in a set. Play starts by moving around in turns from the dealers left. I.E. If play starts with a yellow 4 card on the table, the first player must play a yellow 5 card. If you cannot play a card, you must draw a card from the deck.

Special cards: There are 5 types of special cards in the deck; Skip, Draw 2, Reverse, Wild, and Draw 4 Wild. The Skip, Draw 2, and Reverse cards may only be played if the current card is that color. Those cards effect the next player, not you. Wild cards may only be played if you cannot play any other card in your hand, both Draw 4 Wild and Wild count as wild cards. When you play a wild card, you decide on both the color, and number that other players will have to play off of.

Scoring: If you go out for the round, you score 0 points. Your objective of the game is to be the player with the least amount of points when someone reaches 250 total points. Each player will add up the total of points in their hand once another player goes out. Cards are worth face value for score, special cards are worth 20 points each, and wild cards are worth 50 points each.

Important rules: During any time of play, rules may change due to the discretion of the creator of the game without notice to the current players.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Game Challenge 7: Modifiable Play Field

For this game, I was thinking a lot about The aMAZEing Labyrinth, I used to play the game all the time when I was younger.

This game is for 4 players. All you need is a flat table and the cards!
There are 1 start, 4 finish, 5 'T' cross, 30 curves, 30 straights, and 10 dead ends.

Pick someone to go first. The card marked with 'Start' is facing up in the middle of the table Red color is 'R', Blue is 'B', Green is 'G' and Yellow is 'Y'. Each player starts on this spot. Shuffle the 4 finish cards and give one to each player. If you receive the finish card for your color, reshuffle the 4 cards and try again. Do this until all players have a finish card of a different color than they are. Shuffle the remaining 75 cards and deal them out.

You may not play your finish card for your part of the maze! The goal of the game is to have your piece reach the end first, but one of your opponents has your finish!

Player 1 will pick one card from the pile he was dealt, you may look at it, to play on any players maze except there own. You may not play a dead end card unless that player has another way to go. For example, Player 1 could not play a dead end card on Player 2s maze, unless there was a 'T' cross that did not already have a dead end. After placing one of your cards on another person maze, that player moves his piece onto the new card. Example, Player 1 places a straight piece onto Player 3's maze. Player 3 moves onto the new space. If a player cannot play a card on any maze other than their own, then you must place the finish card onto that players maze.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Game Challenge 6: Narrative Game

Time Warp

Time warp is a fun game that takes you back in time with a narrative feel to it.

Before beginning the game, you must have The Time Warp song playing. You can find this song on youtube of course, the link is here

To play the game, you will need the board, pieces, a coin, and access to a computer. Pick one person to be judge, he or she may not play the game. Decide on who goes first.

Play goes counterclockwise, to simulate the feel of moving back in time. All players start on the square marked “Start”. Whoever goes first flips a coin, if it is heads, they move back 1 space (staying on “Start” if they can't go back), tails moves forward 1 space. Follow the arrows on each square to determine where the next position is. On each square, there is a century that you must find an important event for. Use the computer to look up an important event in history. The judge will then say if that event is able to be used or not. Once you have found an important event, if you flip a heads and move back, you do not need to find another event when you move forward again.

To win the game, you must land on finish, and pick an event from that span of years. After you have done that, you must then recite, without looking at the computer, the events that transpired from finish to start (Backwards from where you were moving. Starting at 600s, then 700s, etc. etc. etc. The judge will determine if you are narrating it correctly or not. If you do not do it correctly, or forget one of your events, you must move back one space. First player to complete the game, wins!

The Judge:
Have paper and pencil ready, you will be writing down what players pick for events. Do not let any player see that piece of paper, unless they win. Once a player has been determined to win, the Judge must show all players the list for events, if there is a problem, such as the judge allowed an event when it wasn't listed, the player will move back one space and have to try and win the game again next turn.